czwartek, 29 września 2016

Rank of dragon

Dragon have ranks. The higher is rank, the stronger is dragon in battle.
These are ranks of dragons in DC

  • Common - not very good. Just typical dragon, weak in battle. It's easy to get by breeding.
  • Rare - better than common but still not very good. Still It's easy to get by breeding, but when you use 10 and higher levels or rare and higher rank dragons.
  • Very rare - good dragon, quite good in battle. You can get it in breeding only witch good levels, good ranks dragons or breeding boost.
  • Epic - nice and strong dragon. Really very good. Epic dragons are difficult to breed.
  • Legendary - very valuable and strong dragon. To unlock one of these dragons, you must get big level. It' s difficult to get it, because in shop they many costs and for breeding you need very valuable dragon. But It's beautiful dragon: very strong in battles, very costly, useful in breeding and you can be proud of it.
  • Heroic - the most valuable dragon. The strongest in battles: it can defeat a lot of dragons. You can get it only in Heroic Race, event where you compete with eight other players and move by completing quests. The winner will get heroic dragon. These are only five heroic dragon: High Fenir Dragon, High Nucleus Dragon, High Tension Dragon, High Guardian Dragon and High Priest Dragon. 
  • Ranks od dragons

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